Working Group 3: Finland’s Development Policy and Cooperation: Academic Knowledge Production and Exchange Amidst a Changing Paradigm


Eija Ranta, University of Helsinki,
Martta Kaskinen, University of Helsinki,

Finland’s development policy and cooperation have been rapidly changing. Historically, poverty eradication, human rights, and gender equality have been central pillars of Finnish foreign and development policy. However, development scholars and practitioners are currently discussing a paradigm shift towards an increased focus on promoting Finnish trade and security interests, while simultaneously facing direct questioning by politicians. Existing and ongoing academic research on Finland’s development policy and cooperation has been largely absent from the political discussions, that have guided recent development policy decisions.

In this policy environment, the need for collaboration among development researchers is highlighted. In this working group, we invite scholars who conduct research on Finland’s development policy and/or cooperation, from diverse perspectives and interdisciplinary backgrounds, to share and discuss their ongoing or published research. The aim of the working group is to support networking, collaboration, and mutual learning among development researchers working on development cooperation (preferably Finland’s, but others can also be considered), thereby strengthening our community and contributing to research-based policy making. We also invite development practitioners and scholars working beyond academia to join the working group.

We request an abstract that includes a title, the name and affiliation of the presenter, and a summary of the research or study to be presented in the working group. You may also present your research plan or introduce your research group. Prior circulation of full papers is not required.

Please submit your paper abstracts, or any inquiries, to the following emails:, and

Word count for abstract submission: 300